أهداف المنهج

We seek to ensure a curriculum which is:

Aims and Expectations

All students will be expected to demonstrate essential skills to effectively participate in lifelong learning. These skills include:

  • Reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing in the English language.
  • Mathematical and scientific concepts.
  • Locating, organizing, communicating and evaluating information and developing methods of inquiry (i.e. problem solving).
  • Creative and critical thinking, decision making and study skills.
  • Work readiness skills.
  • Global and cultural understanding.

Each student will have the opportunity and will be expected to develop and apply essential knowledge that enables that student to:

  • Live as a responsible, productive citizen and consumer within local, national and global political, social, and economic systems.
  • Bring many perspectives, including historical, to contemporary issues.

Students will have the opportunity to develop creativity and self-expression through visual and verbal images, literature, world languages, and movement.

School practices, curriculum, instruction and other services will be directed toward developing within each student a positive self-image and a sense of personal responsibility for:

  • Establishing and achieving personal and career goals.
  • Becoming a self-directed, life-long learner.
  • Adapting to change.
  • Leading a healthy and fulfilling life physically, emotionally and socially.

The LIS model promotes learning beyond the curriculum through specifically designed engagement activities, with parents, students, local and international organizations, universities, partner schools as well as local and international communities. Volunteering opportunities, internships, entrepreneurship programs, charity activity and debating challenges are just some examples of our engagement portfolio and the importance. We place on developing social awareness as well as academic excellence.

طلب معاودة الاتصال

Welcome to Leadership International School . We are keen to help you make the right choice for your child’s education. Please leave your telephone number, and we will get back to you as soon as possible during working hours.

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التسجيل مفتوح للعام الدراسي 2024-2025.

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